AfB at CIO Summit in Frankfurt

In october 2022 Daniel Büchle took part at the 3rd CIO Summit in Frankfurt mainly as the moderator of a discussion panel regarding the topic "sustainability as task of CIOs: main fields of decisions". He also offered a challenge in which the participants should get sensitized towards the barriers of IT-refurbishment.

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  • What challenges will companies have to face in the next five years regarding sustainable digitization?
  • With what decisions can CIOs influence the sustainability of companies?
  • What technical development is soon necessary to advance sustainable digitization in companies?
  • What opportunities arise if companies think sustainability and digitization together in their business now?

These and further questions Daniel Büchle asked at the 3rd CIO Summit in Frankfurt and his guest speakers Thomas Kleine-Möllhoff, Country Digital Lead at Pfizer Pharma, Wolfram Nötzel, CIO of the Stiftung Zentrale Stelle Verpackungsregister (ZSVR) and Tobias Fausch, CIO at BayWa AG answered. The exchange was very inspiring for Daniel and the attending audience. Among other things, they discussed topics like resource efficiency, green power, cloud services and circular economy, but the focus was also directed towards people and education.

Stefan Latuski as winner of the AfB CIO Challenge 

At the AfB stand, Daniel and two colleagues ran an exciting hardware challenge. The aim was to raise awareness for refurbishment and the necessary of repair-friendly product design of hardware. The challenge was to be the fastest CIO trying to replace the RAM and hard disk on a notebook. The winner was Stefan Latuski, CEO of the IT system house of the Federal Employment Agency, who managed to unscrew, change and screw in an outstanding time of 3 minutes and 6 seconds. Respect & congratulations! As a prize, AfB donates a refurbished notebook to the non-profit Hacker School.

CIO Summit Frankfurt: Bloginterview with Daniel Büchle

The CIO Summit took place on October 6, 2022 in Frankfurt. The organizer and initiator of the event series is the Austrian-based company Confare. In the run-up to the event, Daniel conducted an exciting interview with them.

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