No greenwashing 
Communicate your demonstrable commitment 

We sell refurbished notebooks at your site with special discounts for your employees. We digitally provide you key figures on resource conservation through IT remarketing for your sustainability report.
Show what you are achieving through your IT partnership with AfB. We will be pleased to support you.

Let's make your socio-ecological commitment visible together!

[Translate to English:] Erste Abholung von Hardware

First Hardware Pick Up

Employees can experience the hardware replacement directly. Ideal for a story around the following questions:

  • What happens to our used hardware?
  • How will the data be deleted?
  • Can I take over my work device?


Zwei Männer in Anzügen stehen in einem Treppenhaus und halten zwischen sich einen Rahmen mit einer Urkunde.

Certificate of Impact

Sustainable storytelling with our CSR certificate:

  • Raw material savings
  • Greenhouse gas reduction
  • Energy savings
  • Inclusion

We offer meaningful key figures for your external communication & sustainability reporting

[Translate to English:] Mitarbeiteraktion

Benefits for Employees

Very popular for internal communication: 

  • Discount for your employees when shopping in AfB shops and in the online shop.
  • Sales event at your premises
  • Partner weeks

Best practices

There is an open notebook on a table that someone is working on.

Press Release

Wanzl is now working with AfB social & green IT

The Manufacturer of shopping and luggage carts wants to contribute to the SDGs through the cooperation with AfB.

Read more     

7 SDGs

Added values for your csr-communication

As an AfB IT partner, you contribute to the fulfilment of seven UN Sustainable Development Goals. 

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were developed by the United Nations to jointly address societal challenges until 2030. Find out more.

Support for your CSR reporting

We are happy to support you in the preparation of sustainability reports. Whether you report according to CDP, DNK, GRI or the Global Compact, we have already developed text templates and instructions for each standard so that you can easily include the partnership with us and thus your contribution to environmental and social sustainability in your sustainability report.

Your contact person

[Translate to English:] Felicitas Mackert

Felicitas Mackert

Phone: +497243 35780-104

Communicate now with media effect

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We support social projects

Young people support each other in their job search

Our concern is to strengthen public awareness for inclusion and refurbished IT.

Therefore, beyond our core business, we are involved in several social projects in the field of inclusion and humanity, environmental protection and digital education.

Find out more