What our Partners say about us

More than 1,000 companies, banks, insurance companies and public institutions already support the AfB concept and make use of our high-quality services for used hardware including data destruction. In doing so, they assume responsibility for the environment and society and help to create jobs for people with disabilities in the long term. We are very happy about your commitment!

DAX 40 companies


Heidelberg Materials logo
Siemens Logo
DHL Logo

Energy & environment

Logo von Vattenfall.
Logo of Süwag
Logo of the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research

Pharma, chemistry & building materials

Saint-Gobain logo
Logo of Boehringer Ingelheim
Solvay logo
Pfizer Logo
Medios logo

Other references

1&1 Logo
Funke Logo
Schäffler Logo
Wieland Logo
Trumpf Logo