Press Photos

The photos that can be downloaded here are exclusively free for editorial use in the context of your reporting on AfB gemeinnützige GmbH. Please give credit to the respective copyright holder in each case: AfB gGmbH, Thomas Brenner Photography, Thomas Kienzle, Hirschmeier Media GmbH, LWL, Patric Dressel for BITO-Lagertechnik, Tina Umlauf, Thilo Schmuelgen / Aktion Mensch, Evangelischer Pressedienst (EPD). If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Here you can download press photos on the following topics: 



IT recording

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IT acquisition

IT acquisition

IT acquisition

IT acquisition


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Laptop refurbishment at AfB

Laptop refurbishment

Hall at AfB Paderborn

IT refurbishment hall

Laptop refurbishment

Laptop refurbishment

Dismantled PCs at the recycling centre in Borchen

PC refurbishment (AfB)

Manual hardware disassembly

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Hard disk disassembly at AfB

Hard disk disassembly

AfB employee dismantles hard drive.

Hard disk disassembly

AfB employee dismantles hard drive

Hard disk disassembly


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AfB employee repairs smartphone

Smartphone refurbishment

Smartphone refurbishment

Smartphone refurbishment

Data erasure with Blancco

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Blancco data erasure

Blancco data erasure

Blancco data erasure

Blancco data erasure

AfB employee deletes data from laptops

Data erasure

Laptop data erasure with Blancco

Data erasure

Mechanical data destruction

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Shredded scrap

Shredded scrap

Shredding hard disk

Hard disk shredding

Scrap from shredder

Scrap from shredder

Operating system installation

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New operating system is installed on laptops.

Operating system installation


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AfB employee cleans monitor before remarketing

Monitor cleaning

PC cleaning

PC cleaning

Shop & Shipment

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AfB shop

AfB shop at the Köln-Arcaden (Cologne)

On-site sales at partner companies

On-site sales at partner companies



Sales & customer service

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AfB shop in the "Köln-Arcaden" (Cologne)

AfB shop "Köln-Arcaden" (Cologne)

AfB shop in Cologne from the inside

AfB shop

On-site sales by AfB

On-site sales at partner companies

AfB employee advises a client

Shop advice

Inclusion company

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AfB team in Berlin

AfB employees in Berlin

AfB team in Paderborn

AfB team in Paderborn

Accessibility at AfB


Working at AfB

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Working at AfB

Working at AfB

AfB employee testing PCs

Working at AfB

AfB employee is erasing data

Working at AfB

The company

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AfB headquarters in Ettlingen

AfB headquarters

Sustainable AfB headquarters

AfB headquarters

Sustainable AfB headquarters

AfB headquarters

AfB headquarters


The management

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Paul Cvilak, Founder & CEO at AfB gGmbH

Paul Cvilak, Founder & CEO

Yvonne Cvilak, Managing Director

Daniel Büchle, Managing Director

Corporate communication

[Translate to English:] Marion Lichti, Leitung Unternehmenskommunikation AfB gGmbH

Marion Lichti

Corporate communication

Felicitas Mackert

Felicitas Mackert

Corporate communication